Senin, 02 Maret 2015

example of argumentative text “ DILEMMA IN ABORTION “ (created by : Lily Hayati )


Abortion became one of the reproductive health issues in the discourse of religious controversy and of course the norms or values espoused by our society, especially in Indonesia. Each religion also have a different view in the abortion rate. This country does not include countries that make abortion as a method of family planning. In otherwise, Indonesia would take the harshest legal position, which prohibits all abortions for any reason except to save the life of the mother (called abortion provokatus  medical or terapetikus1). Although abortion for reasons beyond saving the life of the mother is treated as a criminal act (called abortion a criminal provokatus), the incidence of abortion in Indonesia is still considered very high.

Sometime, we hear about abortion in a good condition is mean that The action in the form of medical abortion for any reason is prohibited as contrary to legal norms, religious norms, moral norms, and norms of civility. But in an emergency in an effort to save lives or the mother and the fetus can be taken of certain medical procedures. In others condition woman can control her own body to do something like abortion ,because legislation can not created morality. Margaret sanger said “no woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body”.

Abortion should not be permitted for rape because it is wrong to punish a child for the sin of the father .Beside , pregnancy rarely happens from rape, woman can get immediate medical treatment to prevent pregnancy. In society where contraception are so readily available ,there should be not unwanted pregnancies and therefore no needs for abortion. Woman do not bother with contraception because abortion is available. Uddin et all describe  This is consistent with other findings in this study that showed that more abortions rejection of sin and fear caused by other reasons such as medical neglect, economically, and socially.

For this time, I disagree with abortion way, because most of parent want to adopted a babies ,why they was do the something wrong, the babies is not having time to see their parents and how large the world. Human life begins at conception . Therefore, abortion is murder of a person. One things that we have know adoption  ,not  abortion. Abortion is never the best solution.

The division of society that has begun patterned into two pros and cons, agree and disagree, and the Pro-Life Pro-Choice in seeing the phenomenon of abortion also takes the awareness to the subject when taking steps to do so. Although not all understand the true subject of the debate is happening in society, but they realize that their actions were in clear violation of a legitimate public consensus over norms and social values. And two things that need to be communicated and explained in terms of abortion. Two things that are logical relationships between the rampant practice of unsafe abortion with high maternal mortality and the importance and validity of a variety of reasons (not just a medical or physical reasons) why a woman to choose abortion. Apparently the attitude of women, men, religious leaders, health professionals, medical students and even change the direction of better understanding.

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