Jumat, 06 Oktober 2023










English Teacher : Suci Febria,S.Pd.,Gr





TP 2023/2024





                        Rounded Rectangle: HANDOUT for GRADE XII
1.	Memahami fungsi sosial dan etika dalam menawarkan jasa
2.	Memahami teks lisan/ tertulis tentang menawarkan jasa 
3.	Menyusun dialog tentang menawarkan jasa dan menanggapinya
4.	Mempraktekkan dialog yang telah dibuat


-          May I help you?

-          What can I do for you?

-          Is there anything I can do to help?

-          Would you like me to help you?

-          Do you need any help?


-          Yes, please. Thanks a lot

-          Yes, please. If It’s not too much trouble

-          Thanks. That’s very kind of you

-          Thank you very much. I appreciate that.


-          No, thanks. I’m OK

-          No, thanks. I think I can manage

-          Thank you very much, but I can do it myself

-          No, thanks. It’s all right.


dr Nanda         : Hello. . .                                           

Fafa                 : Hello, doctor.

dr Nanda         : You look terrible. What can I do for you?

Fafa                 : I can’t go to school today.

dr Nanda         : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the problem?

Fafa                 : My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.

dr Nanda         : Okay, let me check your stomach (The doctor puts the stethoscope in Fafa’s belly and strikes it lightly). Does it hurt here?

Fafa                 : Not that one.

dr Nanda         : Here?

Fafa                 : Yes, that’s really terrible

dr Nanda         : Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills                                      three times a day, okay?

Fafa                 : Okay, doctor

dr. Nanda        : Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bye.

Fafa                 : Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor.



Tania works at a bus agent located at Arjosari terminal. A stranger is walking approaching her bringing a suitcase.

Stranger           : Hello. Sir. May I help you? Where’s your destination?

Tania               : Yes, I need to go to Jakarta. How long will it take from the bus                                           station? Is this Arjosari station?

Stranger           : Yes. This is Arjosari bus station. It takes about 22 hours from here to                                 Jakarta.

Tania               : What time will it leave?

Stranger           : It will leave at 02.30 pm. So you just need to wait for 45 minutes.

Tania               : Do I have to change buses after arriving in Jakarta?

Stranger           : After arriving in Lebak Bulus Terminal, you have a lot of options to                                   reach your final destination. You can get in a Trans Jakarta bus,                                                  metro mini, Bajaj, taxi as well as ojek. You can ask the bus driver there.

Tania               : Thank you. I will buy the bus ticket, then.

Stranger           : Wait a moment, please. I’ll process it quickly.

Tania               : Ok.



Dhea    : Have you heard that the due date for the final project is extended?

Riza     : No, is it true?

Dhea    : Yes. It will be due next month.

Riza     : That’s wonderful. I haven’t even started yet.

Dhea    : Would you need my help?

Riza     : No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible. I know that you’re as busy as I am.

Dhea    : Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.



Hamada: My extended family is going to a surprise birthday party for my grandmother                     next week.

Diana   : Wow! That sounds great. How old is she?

Hamada: She’ll be on August 13.

Diana   : Really? I didn’t know that she was that old. I thought that she was still around                  60. She looks much younger.

Hamada: Thanks.

Diana   : What if I help you with the preparation?

Hamada: Oh, It’s very nice of you. But I’m going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the                  offer.

Diana   : Okay, no problem.



Extended family (n)    : . . . keluarga besar

Terrific (adj)                : . . . kuat, hebat

Decorate (v)                : . . . menghias

Belly (n)                      : . . . perut

Get well (v)                 : . . . cepat sembuh

Supposed (adj)            : . . . harusnya

Due date (n)                : . . . batas waktu

Extended (v)               : . . . memperpanjang

Approaching (adj)       : . . .mendekati, menjelang

Destination (n)            : . . . tempat tujuan

Awkwardly (adv)       : . . . kikuk


Zahra   : Have you heard the latest news about our school?

Raisa   : No. What about it?

Zahra   : It got Grade A from the National Accreditation Body.

Raisa   : Wow! That’s . . . We should be very proud.  ( amazing)

Zahra   : We are. It means that our school is  . . . ( one of the best)

Raisa   : We should celebrate it, don’t you think?

Zahra   : Yes, you’re right. What . . . . ( if we make a small party for achievement)

Raisa   : That would be good. Thanks for having the initiatives.



1.    School holiday is coming soon. You and your family have a plan to go abroad, but do not have time to surf the Internet to find the best place and best deal. Offer your parents to find the needed information and to arrange the vacation with the tour agent.

2.    A friend is absent because she is sick. You visit her this afternoon. Your friend needs your help to communicate with the teacher about an assignment that she hasn’t finished yet. Offer her help.

3.    You want to go to the movie this weekend. You ask several friends to go with you. Two of your friends cannot make up their minds. Offer to treat them so that they can go with you.






At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know your learning progress!

1.      Do you know how to offer a help/a service?

2.       Do you know how to respond to an offer/ a service?

3.      Do you know how to accept an offer/a service?

4.      Do you know how to refuse an offer / a service?


Rounded Rectangle: HANDOUT for GRADE XII
1.	Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur kalimat dan unsur kebahasaan yang berkaitan dengan keharusan
2.	Menuliskan struktur kalimat dan kosa kata yang sesuai
3.	Menghasilkan sebuah dialog yang koheren.



-   Should I prepare the document?

-   Do I have to talk to Joe?

-   Must I talk to him?

-   Am I supposed to call the doctor?


-       I must tell them the truth

-       You should answer his question

-       You are supposed to bring the paper

-       I have to send the report

I. Read the sentence and Translate into Indonesian!

1.      You must see a doctor.

2.      The students have to do homework tonight.

3.      All of the employees are supposed to attend today’s meeting.

4.      You should rest and drink lots of liquids if you have a cold.

5.      Gerry has to go to work every day.


II. Write a paragraph of around 400 words about suggestion. You may choose any topic you like. The paragraph should provide clear steps about doing something. Use “have to”, “should”, and “must”!




Rounded Rectangle: HANDOUT for GRADE XII
1.	Menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks news item berbentuk berita sederhana dari Koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannnya.
2.	Menangkap makna dalam teks berita sederhana dari Koran/radio/TV



News item text adalah suatu teks yang menginformasikan pembaca tentang peristiwa/kejadian sehari-hari yang layak diberitakan atau penting. (“News items is a text that informs the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day.”)

Newsworthy yang berati layak untuk diberitakan, jadi tidak semua kejadian/peristiwa bisa diberitakan. Jika peristiwa/kejadian itu tidak penting maka tidak layak untuk diberitakan dan diketahui banyak orang. Tujuan News Item Text :

“The purpose of news item text is to inform the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day.”

Tujuan news items text adalah untuk menginformasikan pembaca tentang peristiwa/kejadian sehari-hari yang layak untuk diberitakan atau penting. Kejadian yang diberitakan biasanya adalah kejadian atau peristiwa terbaru. Generic Structure :

-          Main Event/ Newsworthy Event        : Berita utama, bagian yang menceritakan ringkasan dari suatu peristiwa yang penting

-          Background Event / Elaboration        : Menceritakan secara rinci latar belakang kejadian/peristiwa yang terjadi, siapa yang terlibat, dimana dan bagaimana peristiwa terjadi

-          Source : bagian terakhir dari struktur news item text berupa pernyataan narasumber, komentar saksi, pendapat para ahli atau pernyataaan dari pihak terkait.

Ciri Kebahasaan News Item Text :

-          Informasi singkat tertuang dalam headline

-          Memfokuskan pada kejadian

-          Menggunakan action verb (Verb2/past tense)

-          Menggunakan material process



Read the text below! (Example)

Seven Killed in Accident on Jalan Sultan

Newsworthy Event (Berita utama)

Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck at 10.35 p.m. on Jalan Sultan last night.

Background Event (latar belakang kejadian/peristiwa yang terjadi, siapa yang terlibat, dimana dan bagaimana peristiwa terjadi)

The dead were all passengers in the car. Police believe the car may have been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car may not have been using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching.

Sources (Sumber) / (pernyataan narasumber, komentar saksi, pendapat para ahli)

The police said the car should not have been trying to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the police reported that the car – a small Japanese car should not have been carrying more than five people. The names of the victims are not yet known.


Oval Callout: Find an interesting, important, or surprising piece of news that you have heard from TV, radio, newspaper, or people around you. Take turns doing that.







1.    Where did you get the news item? Did you get it from TV, radio, newspaper, or people            around you?

2.    What is the news about?

3.    Where did it happen?

4.    When did it happen?

5.    Do you consider the news item interesting, important or surprising? Why do you think so?


Parents upset, disappointed with online school registration

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta/ Headlines/Sat, July 05, 2014, 9.25 A.M

            Hundreds of parents thronged the Jakarta Education Agency’s office in Kuningan, South Jakarta, to report problems with the online school registration system on Friday.


            During their visit to the agency’s office, the parents expressed their dissatisfaction with the online system, which according to them was disorganized and made it difficult for them to register their children for enrollment in public schools.

            Riki Setiyanto, one of the parents, said that he had registered his daughter for enrollment at state vocational high school SMKN 47 Jakarta, but she then got rejected due to the minimum height policy applied by the state-run school. However, he added, his daughter was also turned down after she registered at a different school because her name was still listed for SMKN 47 Jakarta.

            “First, my daughter was rejected because of her height, and now due to technical issues, she can’t register at any school. I just want to get her into a good school,” he said, adding that he hoped the agency could solve the problems as soon as possible.

            Nuraisyah Paransa, another parent, also said that she was unable to register her son at any state-run high school due to similar technical problems.

            She said that her son was initially accepted at East Jakarta public school through public admission phase. However, he didn’t register with that school, as he wanted to shoot for a better state-run school through the local admission phase. “But the second school rejected him because he had been accepted through the public admission phase. Since my son did not re-register at the first school, now he isn’t registered anywhere”, she said.

            The online registration system has been applied in the capital since 2004. No such problems occurred with the previous registration system.

            This year’s student admission system has three phases: public admission, where students vie for seats with other students throughout the country; local admission, where students compete with others in the same province; and third admission, where students who did not get accepted during first and second admission resubmit their applications.

            Lasro Marbun, head of the Jakarta Education Agency, said that anyone who did not re-register in the public admission phase and was unable to register during local admission or third admission could register their children at private schools. “They can then transfer them to a public school in the second semester”, he said on Thursday as quoted by Kompas.com.

            However, Rida Afrida, who wanted to register her son at state junior high school SMP 194, did not agree with that idea. According to her, a lot of people have chosen public schools over private schools for financial reasons. “I cannot pay for a private school, if he thinks that is a good alternative for us, he should just give us the money to pay for those schools,” she said.

            Meanwhile, acting Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama said that the parents should be patient and not panic.

            “We had no problems last year. The process might be a little complicated, but there’s no reason to panic,” the acting governor told reporters at City Hall.





a. Answer these questions based on these questions below!

1.      What is the main problem faced by the parents?

2.      Why did the parents feel disappointed with the online system?

3.      Who was rejected from school due to his/her height?

4.      If you were one of the parents, what would you do to deal with the problems in the online system?

5.      What do you think about the acting governor’s response to the parents’ protests?

b. Complete the table below!

1.Main Event

Hundred . . . .the online school registration system on Friday

2.Who was involved?

Parents, governor, students, Jakarta Education Agency, Headmaster

3.When did it happen?

Saturday, July 05, 2014, 9.25 A.M

4.Source of news


5.Statement from the head of the Jakarta Education Agency


6.Statement of one of the parents


7.Statement from the governor



ü  Sculpture (n)   : an object made out of stone, wood, clay, etc

ü  Container (n)   : something such as a box or a bowl used to keep something in

ü  Tiny ( adj)       : extremely small

ü  To braid (v)     : to form ( something, such as hair) into a braid

ü  Braid               : an arrangement of hair made by weaving three section together

ü  To unravel (v)  : to fasten or tie something firmly

ü  To incorporate (v)       : to include something as part of a group system, etc

ü  To replicate (v)            : doing something again and gain to get the same result

ü  To loop (v)      : to move in a circular direction that shapes the form of a loop

ü  To secure (v)   : to undo twisted, knitted, or woven threads (mengurai)

ü  Masterpiece     : the best work of art

ü  Treasure           : a very important and valuable object.



Rounded Rectangle: HANDOUT for GRADE XII
1.	Memahami ungkapan pengandaian dalam berbagai konteks (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dengan imperative, can, should)
2.	Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat yang menyatakan dan menanyakan pengandaian 
3.	Menyusun kalimat dan paragraf sebuah keinginan menggunakan wish, if only, dan if type 1, 2




Conditional sentence atau kalimat pengandaian merupakan salah satu pengungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan hal-hal yang diharapkan atau diandaikan untuk terjadi. Misalnya : If you buy the new book, you will enjoy reading the story.

(Jika kamu membeli buku baru itu, kamu akan menikmati membaca cerita di dalamnya.)

Subjek + simple future tense (will + Verb 1) + if + subjek + simple present tense (Verb 1)

Contoh kalimat adalah sebagai berikut :

·       If she wakes up earlier, she will not miss the morning class. (Bila dia bangun lebih         pagi lagi, dia tidak akan melewatkan kuliah pagi itu.)

·       They will buy a new sofa for the living room if Sue brings them to the funiture     exibition. (Mereka akan membeli sebuah sofa baru untuk ruang tamu bila Sue mengajak mereka ke pamern funiture itu.)

·       If Donald does not make a goal, the team will be totally lost. (Bila Donald tidak             mencetak gol, tim tersebut akan benar-benar kalah.)

·       Aini and May will not come to your party if you do not send them invitations. (Aini         dan May tidak akan datang ke pestamu bila kamu tidak mengirimkan undangan- undangan mereka.)


1. If clause + a reminder: If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder. (Jika kamu ingin lulus ujian, kamu harus belajar keras)

2.   If clause + a suggestion : If you want to be a medical doctor, you have to prepare it from now on, If you want to go to the USA, you should save money.


(Jika kamu ingin menjadi dokter medis, kamu harus menyiapkannya dari sekarang. Jika kamu ingin pergi ke Amerika Serikat, Kamu seharusnya menabung.)

3.   If clause + a general truth : If you don't put some cherries on it,     your cake will look pale and dull.( Jika kamu meletakkan beberapa buah ceri, kuemu akan terlihat pucat dan kusam.)

4.   if clause + an imperative : If you want to be the head of OSIS, offer a good program to improve the school environment. (Jika kamu ingin menjadi ketua OSIS, tawarkanlah program yang bagus untuk meningkatkan lingkungan sekolah.)

5.   If clause’ to show a dream : If I am elected as a president, I will waive taxes for poor people. (Jika saya terpilih menjadi presiden, Saya akan menaikkan pajak untuk kesejahtereaan orang miskin.)



Dela     : Where can I get inexpensive good quality shoes?

Emi      : If you want a good price, why don’t you go to the factory outlet?



Joko     : If I am elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people.

Edwin : I wish you all the best



Father  : Exam is around the corner. It’s about time to go back to your study.

Son      : Okay, Dad

Father  : If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder.

Son      : Thanks, Dad.



Mr Lukman     : If you want to be the chair of OSIS, offer a good program to improve                                          the school environment.

Nyoman          : Sure, I will.



Six Things to Do If You Visit Seattle

There are 6 must-have experiences that you should do if you visit Seattle where city and nature come together. If you visit Seattle, arrive with the list in hand and you’ll be off to a foolproof start for exploring the Emerald City’s most unforgettable sights and sounds. If you want to visit Seattle, you can do the following things:





1.      Feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbridge Island on a Washington State Ferry. From the ferry, you can enjoy the view of the Seattle skyline. If you want to enjoy Bainbridge Island, stroll around downtown’s galleries, boutiques, coffee houses and cafes. Seasonal gardens and natural woodlands at the Boedel Reserve are as the other options.

2.      Why don’t you tour the Pike Place Market’s produce stands to buy something you’ve never tasted. The Pike Place Market is much more than a farmer’s market. Its entire district is full of shopping, attractions and favorite sights. The area is festival of sounds, tastes and smells and it is part of the reason. It’s called the “Soul of Seattle”. Unless you have allergic to noises, make sure you take time to spot these beloved icons.

3.      Book a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the Sun Juan Islands. Cozy bed and breakfasts are the perfect way to enjoy the friendly island culture. If you have enough time, tour the numerous art galleries in Friday Harbor. You can also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife spotting, whale watching and storm watching.

4.      See exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass. A visit to this site is an opportunity to take full advantage of the location at the Seattle Center, a premier destination for arts, entertainment and leisure activities. If you visit this city, you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific Science Center. Experience Music Project and a variety of cultural activities offered throughout the year.

5.      Watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the Boeing factory in Mukilteo. If you are curious to know about it, you should explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. Go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled.

6.      Tour the Theo Chocolate Factory in Freemont and learn how their delicious confections are made. This factory has a mission to create change in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where it has 300,000 square miles of farmable land but only 2% is being farmed due to conflict there. The factory trains 2,000 Congolese farmers to grow high quality cocoa.



1.      If You visit Seattle, feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbridge Island on a Washington State Ferry. (Pattern 1 – If Clause + an imperative)

            = Cara menjawab soal ini adalah menemukan kalimat utama pada point                                     pertama teks, yaitu kalimat pertama.





2.      The second thing to do is Tour Pike place market’s produce stands and buy something you’ve never tasted.
cara menjawab soal ini adalah menemukan kalimat utama pada point kedua teks pada kalimat pertama.

3.      The 'soul of seattle' is the name for Pike Place Market because its entire district full of shopping, attractions, and favorite sights so the area is festival of sounds, tastes, and smells.

      pada soal ini ditanyakan mengenai sebutan Soul of Seattle dan alasannya.               Untuk menjawab soal ini dengan memperhatikan kalimat sebelumnya.

4.   Book a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the               Sun Juan Islands is the third.

        cara menjawab soal ini adalah menemukan kalimat utama pada point         ketiga teks pada kalimat pertama.

5.   If I am in the Sun Juan islands, i will be able to enjoy the numerous art galleries in             Friday Harbor and also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife spotting, whale         watching and storm watching.

      pada soal ini ditanyakan apa yang bisa dinikmati apabila berada di Pulau   Sun Juan. Cara menjawab adalah menemukan ide pokok pada paragraf                   mengenai Pulau Sun Juan.

  6. The fourth instruction to follow is see exciting and experimental works at Chihuly              Garden and Glass.

        cara menjawab soal ini adalah menemukan kalimat utama pada point                     keempat teks pada kalimat pertama.

   7.   Chihuly garden and glass customer service may offer a help to a guest saying 

- "May I help you?'

- "Do you mind if I help you?"

- "What can I do for you?"

        yang ditanyakan adalah bagaimana cara customer service menawarkan                   bantuan kepada seorang tamu.

8. If you were an aircraft factory staff, what would you say to offer help for your                visitors. what if we watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft be built and          explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation?
cara menjawab soal ini adalah menemukan ide pokok dari poin lima, yaitu apa    yang dapat kita lihat di Pabrik Boeing sehingga staf dari pabrik Boeing dapat     menawarkan bantuannya.


1.      Do you know how to tell your friends about visiting a place using “if” clause followed by imperatives/suggestions?

2.      Do you know how to write text about visiting a place using “if” clause followed by imperatives/suggestion?


Rounded Rectangle: HANDOUT for GRADE XII
1.	Membedakan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks caption dengan memberi & meminta informasi terkait gambar/foto/table/grafik/bagan 
2.	Menangkap makna secara kontektual tterkait fungsi social, struktur teks & unsur kebahasaan dalam bentuk caption terkait gambar/foto/table/grafik/bagan
3.	Menyusun teks dalam bentuk teks caption terkait gambar/foto/table/grafik/bagan


A caption = also known as a cutline is a text that appears below an image. Caption consists a few words of description, several sentences. Captions include a short title/ heading of an article in a magazine / newspaper. Caption can also be inserted below/above charts, figures., graphics and tables.

Generic Structure Caption:

1.      The title

2.      The lead

3.      Section Heading

Language Feature :

1.      Exclamation

2.      Question

3.      Adjective Phrase

4.      Personal Phrase

The Function of Caption = Helping readers / viewers to understand more information that might not not be in photos or videos.

Rule Writing Caption :

1.      Supply Specific Information ( Answering 5W1H Question)

2.      Use present tense on the first sentence

3.      Caption are written in a complete sentence

4.      Clearly identify the people and location in the photo

5.      Identify the person from left to right.

How to write Caption Text :

1.      Observe the picture or video you will give the caption

2.      Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before you write caption

3.      Write sentence or phrase under the picture





Contoh Caption1 :


Pada gambar di atas, menjelaskan bahwa CEO Nokia mengumumkan kebangkurannya, dengan mengatakan: “ kami tidak melakukan sesuatu yang salah, tapi entah bagaimana kami kalah”.


Contoh Caption 2. Identification Bar (Caption yang hanya menyebutkan siapa yang berada di gambar)


Contoh Caption 3. Cutline (Caption yang menyebutkan siapa yang berada digambar  dan apa yang dilakukannya)


Contoh Caption 4. Summary ( Berisi penjelasan lengkap tentang siapa yang berada di gambar, apa yang dilakukan, kapan kejadiannya, dimana tempat terjadinya dan kenapa hal tersebut dilakukan.



Contoh Caption 5. Expanded (Bentuk lebih lengkap dari summary, jenis caption ini juga memuat bagaimana kejadiannya dan kutipan)


Contoh Caption 6. Group Identification (Sama seperti jenis caption Identification Bar, hanya jenis ini digunakan apabila gambar memuat lebih dari satu orang.


Contoh Caption 7. Quote (berisi kutipan perkataan seseorang yang berhubungan dengan gambar)


I.  PRACTICE 1. Observe the picture and Answer these questions below!



1.      What is the purpose of that caption above?

2.      When was the picture taken?

3.      Where was the location in the picture?

4.      Who is the main subject in the picture that is described in the caption?

5.      What kind of caption is in the picture?





At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know your learning progress.

1.      Do you know why people write captions?

2.      Where do you usually find captions?

3.      What can make people understand  the messages in captions?

4.      Do you know how to write texts accompanying captions?

5.      What can  you learn from this chapter?

6.      Do you have any difficulties in understanding and writing captions?










Rounded Rectangle: HANDOUT for GRADE XII
1.	Membedakan fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja dengan memberi & meminta informasi terkait jati diri&latar belakanga pendidikan/pengalaman kerja.
2.	Menangkap makna terkait fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja yang memberikan informasi terkait jati diri & latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja.
3.	Menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja yang memberikan informasi terkait jati diri&latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja.

Flowchart: Connector: Assisting the chair

Flowchart: Connector: Keeping RecordsFlowchart: Connector: Upholding Legal Documents8-Point Star: A SECRETARYFlowchart: Connector: Maintaining CorrespondenceFlowchart: Connector: Organizing Meeting





ü requirement       : persyaratan

ü qualification      :  jenis ketrampilan / kepribadian pengalaman yang                                               membuat seseorang cocok untuk suatu pekerjaan                                               tertentu.

ü enclosed            : terlampir

ü colleagues         : kolega

ü to appear           : termuat di koran

ü resume              : daftar riwayat hidup/curiculum vitae (CV)

ü consideration     : pertimbangan

ü be suited           : cocok untuk

ü in order to         : agar






I. Read the text about application letter (surat lamaran) below  carefully!


Lilis Handayani                                                   (1) The sender’s address

Jl. Ahmad Yani 389

Surabaya, 65151


April, 19, 2015                                                                        Date


Mr Frank Peterson, Personnel Manager                (2) The Addressee

Jeans and Co.

Jl. Raya Pandaan 186

Pandaan pasuruan, Jawa Timur, 98502


Dear Mr Peterson,                                                                   (3) Salutation


(4) Opening Paragraph I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a local branch manager newspaper appeared in the Jawa Pos on Sunday, June 15. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this positions requirements.


(5) Content/Text body My current position, managing the local branch of a national shoe retailer, has provided the opportunity to work under a high pressure, team environment, where it is essential to be able to work closely  with my colleagues in order to meet sales deadlines. In addition to my responsibilioties as manager, I also developed time management tools for staff using Access and Excel from Microsoft’s Office Suite.


(6) Closing Paragraph Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited for this position. Please call me after 4.00 p.m to suggest a time we may meet. I can be reached via telephone number 031-858564 or by email at lilish@yahoo.com.


Sincerly,                                                                                  (7) Enclosure

Lilis Handayani



II. Answer the following questions above based on the text!


1.         To whom is the letter sent?

2.         Who wrote the application letter?

3.         What is the purpose of writing the letter?

4.         What position is being advertised?

5.         How did Lilis Handayani know the job vacancy/lowongan pekerjaan?

6.         What is Lilis current position?

7.         What has her current position provided with?

8.         What other responsibilities does she have at the moment?

9.         Do you think that Lilis is confident about her competence? How do you know?

10.     Does Lilis indicate her willingness for an interview? Find the evidence from the     text?Always sign the application letter ( Enclosure)







Part of the Application Letter:

1.    Your address

2.    Title address of the company you are writing too.

3.    Always make an effort to write directly to the person in charge of hiring

4.    Opening paragraph ( use this paragrpah to specify which job you are applying for)

5.    Middle paragraph/body

6.    Closing paragraph

7.    Always sign the application letter ( enclosure) indicates you are enclosing your resume.


Apika Plaza, a reputed and well-established showroom is seeking to fulfill job vacancy from qualified, motivated and experienced individuals. If you think you have the confidence and the capability in you, then you are more than welcome to apply.

Position : Sales Executive


-       Bachelor’s degree in any discipline

-       Minimum 2 years of experience in a similar position

-       Proficiency in both English and Indonesian

-       Basic computer skills

-       Charming personality and good interpersonal skills

Roles and Responsibilities :

-       Deal and negotiate with customers

-       Respond to customer’s queries about various products and services

Interested candidates shouldsend their CV and scanned photograph to : Apika Plaza Ltd. Jl. A. Yani 25 Sukamakmur 65126

(Attn. Mr. Feliks Diansyah, Manager)


III.   Based on that Job Vacancy above, please Write an Application Letter according to you! Use these points to make easier you make it !

-          write your address

-          write the address of the company your application letter is sent to

-          write down the name of the person in charge

-          write down any necessary information in the opening of the letter

-          write down spesific information to indicate that your capability matches the position

-          write down any necessary information in the closing

-          sign your application letter



IV.             Please Find another example of Job Vacancy and Application Letters in the Internet. Analyze whether you can find the parts of application letters that you have learned





She cleans the room every day

The room is cleaned every day

He is cleaning the rooms right now

The rooms are being cleaned right now

She cleaned the room yesterday afternoon

The room was cleaned yesterday afternoon

The cleaning service was cleaning the rooms at 12.00 yesterday

He couldn’t check it at 12.00 noon yesterday because the rooms were being cleaned

She has cleaned the room

The room has been cleaned

He has cleaned the rooms

The rooms have been cleaned

They will clean the rooms

The rooms will be cleaned


V. Change the following active sentence into passive.

1.      He manages the local branch of a national shoe retailer.

2.      The company has advertised the job opportunity in the national newspaper.

3.       He developed time management tools for staff

4.      She will enclose her resume in teh application letter.

5.      Linda is writing an application letter for the position as a secrretary.




At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know your learning progress.

1.      Do you understand the purpose of an application letter?

2.      Do you know what information appears in an application letter?

3.      Do you know how to write an application letter?










Rounded Rectangle: HANDOUT for GRADE XII
1.	Membedakan fungsi social, struktur teks & unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan & tulis dengan memberi & meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan teknologi & kiat-kiat(tips) pendek sederhana
2.	Menangkap makna teks prosedur lisan & tulis dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi & kiat-kiat (tips)
3.	Menyusun teks prosedur lisan & tulis dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi & kiat-kiat (tips)









How to Make Chocolate Dipped Strawberries 

Materials :

-       2 chooped squares semisweet or bittersweet chocolate ( 2 kotak semi manis / coklat                   pahit)

-       ½ tablespoon whipping cream

-       dash almond extract ( ekstrak almond)

-       8 strawberries ( strawberi)

Steps :

1.      First, prepare all the following ingridients

2.      Second, combine the chocolate and the whipping cream in a glass measuring cup or bowl. Microwave at medium power for 1 minute until the chocolate melts, stirring after 30 seconds. Stir in the almond extract and cool slightly

3.      Finally, dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate, allowing the excess to drip off. Place on a waxed paper-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate or freeze for approximately 15 minutes until the chocolate is set.



- dip (v)           : Celupkan                               - Refrigerate (v)          : Mendinginkan

- ingridient (n) : Bahan                                    - Place (v)                    : Taruh/Tempatkan

- chop  (v)        : Mencincang                           - Waxed paper (n)       : Kertas Lilin

- combine (v)   : Mengkombinasikan               - Freeze (v)                  : Bekukan

- melt (v)         : Mencair                                 - Lined baking sheet   : Loyang berlapis

- stir (v)           : Mengaduk                             - Set (v)                       : Mengatur

- cool (adj)       : Dingin, Sejuk                        - Approximately (adv)            : Kira-kira/Sekitar

- Excess (adj)  : Berlebih                                 - Until  (adv)                : Sampai/Hingga

- Drip off (v)   : Menetes



·       Menggunakan simple present tense

·       Menggunakan imperative sentence (kalimat perintah). Contoh: add two spoonscook     with low heatblend the spices, dsb.

·       Menggunakan action verbs. Contoh: add, put, turn.

·       Menggunakan numbering. Contoh: first, second, third.

·       Menggunakan conjunctions (kata penghubung). Contoh: next, then, while.

·       Menggunakan adverbs (kata keterangan) untuk memperjelas tahapan yang dilalui.         Contoh: correctly, carefully, slowly, for 2 minutes, dsb.






·       Procedure text yang memaparkan cara mengoperasikan/menggunakan sesuatu.   Misalnya how to use camera, how to use rice cooker.

·       Procedure text yang memberikan instruksi dalam melakukan kegiatan tertentu. Misalnya how to play guitar, how to make a brownies.

·       Procedure text yang berkaitan dengan kiat-kiat menjalani hidup. Misalnya how to be     successful in life, how to make yourself happy.



How to Connect a Wireless Mouse
(Cara Menghubungkan Mouse Nirkabel)

            First, plug in your mouse’s receiver to your computer’s USB port. Then, the mouse driver will automatically be installed to detect the wireless mouse. (Pertama, tancapkan receiver mouse ke port USB komputer kamu. Kemudian, driver mouse akan terinstal secara otomatis untuk mendeteksi mouse nirkabelnya)

            Second, make sure that your mouse has batteries or is charged. To do this, flip the mouse over and remove the battery compartment cover. (Kedua, pastikan mouse kamu memiliki baterai atau terisi dayanya. Untuk melakukan ini, balikkan mouse dan lepaskan penutup baterainya)

            Third, turn on your mouse. Usually the on/off switch is on the back of the mouse. (Ketiga, nyalakan mouse kamu. Biasanya tombol on/off nya ada di bagian belakang mouse)

            Finally, your wireless mouse is ready to use. (Terakhir, mouse nirkabel kamu siap digunakan)






1.    Do you find it difficult to give instructions on how to use technological products?

2.    Do you find it difficult to follow instructions on how to use technological products?









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