Kamis, 03 Desember 2015

( RPP 1 ) SMK Kelas X. TKJ Semester Ganjil


Sekolah                         :  SMK TARUNA MASMUR PEKANBARU
Mata Pelajaran              : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas    / Semester        : X. TKJ /1
Tema                             : Person
Tahun Pelajaran            : 2015/2016
Waktu                           : 10 x 40’ (2 kali pertemuan)

Standar Kompetensi    
Listening      : Matching pictures with words.  Dictation,  Listening for information.
Speaking      : Describing things, people, profession, and nationalities.
Writing         : Describing things .

  B. Kompetensi Dasar
Listening      : 1.1.
Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk
kepentingan kehidupan
Speaking      :1.2.
Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar
Writing         : 1.2. Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran ( indicator)

akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :
1.      Memahami makna dalam percakapan transactional dan interpersonal
2.      Mengugkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional
3.      Memahami makna teks tulis dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive
4.      Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive
5.      Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive.
6.      Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive.
            Karaktersiswa yang diharapkan :         
Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect)
Tekun (diligence )
Percaya diri (confidence)

 2.  Materi pembelajaran
a.      Communication practice
·      Text monolog berbentuk descriptive.
·      kosa kata yang terkait dalam text descriptive. 
·      ciri kebahasaan dalam text descriptive.
b.      Grammar practice
·      Penjelasan tentang simple present tense.
·      Penjelasan  tetang pronoun
·      Penjelasan tentang adjective dalam descriptive text.
·      Penjelasan  tentang action verb dalam descriptive text.
c.       Developing Skills
·      Memahami teks descriptive.
3. Metode Pembelajaran
- discussion.
- practice
4.Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Pertemuan I
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (eksplorasi)
1. Guru menanyakan tentang keadaan siswa dikelas, dan menanyakan absen.
2. Guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi yang disampaikan
    pada hari ini.
.3. Guru menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari dan kompetensi yang harus dicapai
b.Kegiatan Inti (Elaborasi )
1. Siswa mendiskusikan tentang materi yang disampaikan pada hari ini tentang descriptive text.
2. Siswa mendiskripsikan tentang topic yang sudah ditentukan oleh guru secara lisan/oral.
3. Siswa mendeskripsikan sesuatu berdasarkan topic dan teman yang lain berusaha menebak
   descripsian dari temannya.
4. Siswa membuat essei pendek dan membacakannya didepan kelas secara bergantian.

c. Kegiatan Penutup (konfirmasi)
1. Guru mendeskripsikan sesuatu dan mengajak siswanya mendeskripsikan tentang
     pendeskripsian guru tersebut.
2. Guru memberikan kesimpulan berdasarkan materi yang disampaikan pada hari ini.
3. Guru menanyakan tentang kesulitan siswanya tentang materi yang disampaikan.

Pertemuan II
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (eksplorasi)
1. Guru menanyakan tentang keadaan siswa dikelas, dan menanyakan absen.
2. Guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi yang telah
    disampaikan pada pertemuan sebelumnya.
3. Guru memberikan pertanyaan sesuai dengan descriptive text about person.

b.Kegiatan Inti (Elaborasi )
1. Siswa mendiskusikan tentang materi yang disampaikan pada hari ini tentang descriptive text.
2. Siswa mendiskripsikan tentang topic yang sudah ditentukan oleh guru secara lisan/oral.
3. Siswa mendeskripsikan sesuatu berdasarkan topic dan teman yang lain berusaha menebak
   descripsian dari temannya.
4. Siswa membuat essei pendek dan membacakannya didepan kelas secara bergantian.

c. Kegiatan Penutup (konfirmasi)
1. Guru mendeskripsikan sesuatu dan mengajak siswanya mendeskripsikan tentang
     pendeskripsian guru tersebut.
2. Guru memberikan kesimpulan berdasarkan materi yang disampaikan pada hari ini.
3. Guru menanyakan tentang kesulitan siswanya tentang materi yang disampaikan.

I.Tugas Terstruktur
Butterflies are beautiful, flying insects with large scaly wings. Like all insects, they have six legs, three body parts, a pair of antennae, and compound eyes. The three body parts are the head, thorax (the chest), and abdomen (the tail end). The four wings and the six legs of the butterfly are connected to the thorax. The thorax contains the muscles that make the legs and wings move.

Butterflies are very good fliers. They have two pairs, of large wings covered with colorful scales. Butterflies and moths are the only insects that have scaly wings. The wings are connected to the butterfly’s thorax (mid-section).

Butterflies can only fly if their body temperature is above 27 degrees Centigrade. Butterflies sun themselves to warm up in cool weather. As butterflies get older, the color of the wings fades and the wings become ragged.

Butterflies are very good fliers. They have two pairs, of large wings covered with colorful scales. Butterflies and moths are the only insects that have scaly wings. The wings are connected to the butterfly’s thorax (mid-section). Butterflies can only fly if their body temperature is above 27 degrees Centigrade. Butterflies sun themselves to warm up in cool weather. As butterflies get older, the color of the wings fades and the wings become ragged.

The speed varies among butterfly species (the poisonous varieties are slower than nonpoisonous varieties). The fastest butterflies can fly at about 50 kilometers per hour (kph) or faster. Slow flying butterflies fly about 8 kph.
Exercise :
1.    The text mainly describes about...
a.       Tiger
b.      Snake
c.       Butterfly
d.      Dog

2.    How many legs that butterflies have?
a.       2
b.      4
c.       6
d.      8

3.    What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
a.       Identification of the butterflies’ body.
b.      Description about butterflies’ wing.
c.       Description about female butterflies.
d.      Identification about male butterflies.

4.    What is the main idea in paragraph 4?
a.     Butterflies are beautiful animal.
b.     Butterflies are good flayer.
c.     Butterflies are strong animal.
d.     Butterflies are bad animal.

5.    What is the best title of the text ?
a.     Cat
b.     Dog
c.     Tiger
d.     Butterflies

6.    What is butterfly that can fly at about 50 kilometers per hour?
a.     nonpoisonous varieties of butterfly
b.     poisonous  varieties of butterfly
c.     The beautiful butterflies
d.     The large butterflies

7.    According to the text, which of the statement are true about butterflies...
a.     The fastest butterflies can fly at about 50 kilometers per hour (kph) or faster. Slow flying butterflies fly about 80 kph
b.     Butterflies can only fly if their body temperature is above 27,5 degrees Centigrade
c.     Butterflies are very good fliers
d.     Butterflies have seven legs, three body parts, a pair of antennae, and compound eyes.

8.    What are the insects that have scaly wings except butterflies ?
a.      Moths  
b.      Ant
c.      Bee 
d.      cockroach
9.     mention the three body parts of butterflies ?
a.     Head, shoulder, knee
b.     Head, thorax (the chest), and abdomen (the tail end).
c.     Head, abdomen, and tail
d.     Head, hand, and tail

10.              Which statement is not true according to the text?
a.       The fastest butterflies can fly at about 50 kilometers per hour (kph) or faster. Slow flying butterflies fly about 8 kph
b.      Butterflies can only fly if their body temperature is above 27,5 degrees Centigrade
c.       Butterflies are very good fliers
d.      Butterflies have six legs, three body parts, a pair of antennae, and compound eyes.

11.    Butterflies are very good fliers. They have two pairs (paragraph 2)
The underline word refers to...
a.       Fliers
b.      Butterflies
c.       Animal
d.      The insect

12.    Butterflies sun themselves to warm up in cool weather. The closest meaning of underline word is...
a.       Fly
b.      Run
c.       Read
d.      Write

13.    The speed varies among butterfly species (the poisonous varieties are slower than nonpoisonous varieties). The fastest butterflies can fly at about 50 kilometers per hour (kph). The underline word refers to...
a.       Butterflies
b.      nonpoisonous varieties
c.       poisonous varieties
d.      good flayer

14.    they have six legs. What is the closest meaning of underline word ?
a.       foot
b.      head
c.       nose
d.      Hand

15.    The communicative purpose of the text above is...
a.       Persuade the reader
b.      Entertain the reader
c.       Describe to the reader
d.      Retell the story

16.    What is the function of the descriptive text ?
a.       Describe about butterfly to the reader
b.      Retell the story
c.       Persuade the reader
d.      Entertain the reader

17.    Butterfly is a kind of...
a.       Narrative text
b.      Descriptive text
c.       Recount text
d.      Report text

18.    What is the language feature of the text ?
a.       Present tense
b.      Past tense
c.       Future tense
d.      Perfect tense

19.    Which paragraph told that Butterflies sun themselves to warm up in cool weather?
a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4
20.    Which paragraph told that  butterflies get older, the color of the wings fades and the wings become ragged ?
a.         2
b.         3
c.         4
d.         5

II.Tugas Terstruktur

My Mother
Hai friends, I have mother, my mother is a beautiful person. She is Indonesian and her name is Husna.
She is not tall but not short, and she has curly hair. Her eyes color is like honey and her color skin is light brown, and she has a beautiful smile.  Her weight is 120 kg. She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people.  She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized. She is a very organized person and all things in the house are in the right place. She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or when I wake up or when I am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and also when the family have problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.
I love my mother so much, she is the best mother in the world.
Exercise :
1.      The text mainly describes about...
a.       Beautiful person
b.      My mother
c.       women
d.      mother
2.      What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
a.       Identification of my mother.
b.      Description about my grandmother.
c.       Description about my mother.
d.      Identification about my beautiful woman.
3.      What is the main idea in paragraph 2?
a.       Identification of my mother.
b.      Description about my grandmother.
c.       Description about my mother.
d.      Identification about  your mother.
4.      What is the color of writer’s mother skin?
a.       White
b.      Black
c.       brown
d.      light brown
5.      According to the text, which of the statement are true about writer’s mother...
a.       My mother’s color skin is dark brown
b.      She has a beautiful smile. 
c.       My mother weight is 130 kg
d.      My mother always takes care of her family
6.      She always has a smile on her face (paragraph 2). The underline word refers to...
a.       Writer’s mother
b.      She  
c.       I
d.      Writer
7.      She is very lovely, friendly, patient..(paragraph 2). What is the closest meaning of underline word?
a.       Angry
b.      Good
c.       Clever  
d.      Calm 
8.      The communicative purpose of the text above is...
a.       Persuade the reader
b.      Entertain the reader
c.       Describe to the reader
d.      Retell the story
9.      When the family have problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love. The underline word refers to...
a.       Her Father
b.      Her family
c.       Her husband
d.      Her son
10.  She has curly hair. From the statement the language feature that it use is...
a.       Present tense
b.      Past tense
c.       Future tense
d.      Perfect tense

III. Tugas Terstruktur
Yuta is one of the 150 International students at the ELC of Brigham Young University.
He is from Japan. He grew up in Japan, and he is 19 years old. There are six people in his family, a father, a mother, three sisters and himself. He is the youngest in his family. He is also the only boy in his family, but now he is in Provo, Utah, studying English. Yuta likes the United States very much and he thinks everything is cheap. Yuta thinks his English classes are excellent and the teachers are professionals. Yuta thinks someone in his class is noisy so he doesn't like that. In his free time he spends too much time sleeping, so it seems that he has a sleeping sickness.
1.    The text mainly describes about...
a.       Friend
b.      My man
c.       Yuta
d.      Man  
2.    What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
a.       Identification of Yuta
b.      Description about Yuta.
c.       Description about my friends.
d.      Identification about my close friends.
3.    What is the main idea in paragraph 2?
a.       Identification of Yuta
b.      Description about Yuta.
c.       Description about my friends.
d.      Identification about my close friends.
4.    How many people in his family?
a.       6
b.      7
c.       8
d.      9
5.    According to the text, which of the statement are true about Yuta..
a.       He is ninety years old
b.      He lives in United States
c.       He is the only boy in his family
d.      He likes reading English book.
6.    Yuta likes the United States very much and he thinks everything is cheap (paragraph 2). The opposite of underline word is...
a.       Economic
b.      Expensive
c.       Excelent
d.      Encorage  
7.    There are six people in his family, a father, a mother, three sisters and himself. The underline word refers to...
a.       Father
b.      Mother
c.       Sister
d.      Yuta  
8.    The communicative purpose of the text above is...
a.       Persuade the reader
b.      Entertain the reader
c.       Describe to the reader
d.      Retell the story
9.    What does Yuta activity in his free time...
a.       Reading
b.      Swimming
c.       Walking
d.      Sleeping
10.              Yuta thinks someone in his class is noisy so he doesn't like that... the synonym of underline word is...
a.       Good
b.      Stormy  
c.       Calm
d.      Angry
11.              Ani       : hai Rara, can you help me ?
Rara           : ..... (accept)
What is the best answer....
a.    Certaintly
b.    No, thanks
c.    I am sorry I am busy
d.    Don’t brother 
12.              Father : ................... (asking service)
Son      : certaintly, this is the coffee daddy.
a.       Do you have some coffee and sugar?
b.      Can you give me a cup of coffe, please?
c.       Sorry I just have one coffee
d.      Where is my Coffe ?
13.              Kia       : cindy, may I borrow your pen ?
Cindy   : ................ (refuse)
a.       Certaintly
b.      Yes ofcourse !
c.       Not really
d.      Sorry, I just have one
14.              Nindy   : oohh No... this box it soo heavy !
Rara     : ..............
Nindy   : yes, please.
The best answer is....
a.       Do you really want to borrow it?
b.      Do you know me ?
c.       Do you want to reply my message ?
d.      Do you need some help ?
15.  Lala      : Do you mind open the window, please !
Ranti    :..........
Lala      : thank you
The best answer is ...
a.       Okay
b.      No I am busy
c.       Not really
d.      Sorry, I just have one
16.  Marta   : ooh no, I lost my pencil.
Lita      : ......
Marta   : thank you so much litta.
The best answer is....
a.       Where do you put your pencil ?
b.      Do not worry, you can use mine.
c.       How pity you are !
d.      That is your problem.
17.  Sandi    : ......
Putri     : yes, what can I do for you ?
Sandi    : can you take my book on library please. !
Putri     : sure
The best answer is ...
a.       Put, can you accompany me?
b.      Put, would you like to help me ?
c.       Can I borrow your pen ?
d.      May I ask you?
18.  Waiter : this is your menu sir !
Wilson  : oh, nice thanks.
Waiter  : do you need more meal sir ?
Wilson  : ....(refuse)
The best answer is....
a.       Thank you for your offer, but i don’t want.
b.      Certaintly
c.       Yes please
d.      Sure, here you are.
19.  Mom                : can you give me a water please ?
Daughter          : ..... (accept)
The best answer is..
a.       Sure, here you are mom.
b.      Oh mom, i am busy now
c.       Sorry mom.
d.      No thanks.
20.  Intan     : Wow.. that is cake, do you make it?
Linta     : yes intan.
Intan     : ........................
Linta     : yes, ofcourse.
The best answer is...
a.       May I try it ?
b.      It is delecious
c.       May I buy it /
d.      Would you like to lend it ?

5. Sumber dan media pembelajaran
a. sumber         : http://english_forjuniorhighschool.url.
b. media           : using infokus
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Teknik Penilaian
Bentuk instrument
1.   Makna gagasan
2.   Makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive
3.   Langkah retorika text descriptive.
4.   Tujuan komunikatif text descriptive
5.   Ciri kebahasaan text descriptive
6.   Menulis text essay dalam bentuk descriptive
Test tulis

Tes tulis
Pilihan ganda

Choose the best option based on the text. (lihat lampiran 1)

Write an essay describing something.

1.      True score = 10
2.      Total maximal score = 10 X 10 =100
Students score =  x 100

Mengetahui,                                                                        Pekanbaru,    juli 2015
Guru PPL                                                                           Guru Pamong

LILY HAYATI                                                                  RAHMAD SOFYAN MUDA S.Pd

                                           Kepala SMK Taruna Masmur

                                  Drs.H.M. HUSNI THAMRIN MA,MSi

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